Tell Tales or Tails?
I am keen that you start telling tales that Rooster now has a Teflon® impregnated wool tell tails set that enables it to work in the wettest of conditions. The picture shows the red Teflon® coated tell tale verses the green untreated tell tails.
Our tests have shown that the teflon impregnated tell tales take up to 90% less water than normal tell tails. This leaves them free to fly whatever the weather. If you are like me, then your tell tales are probably the most important sail setting device you will ever use. I recall seeing a fellow Finish sailor at a major European event sailing with over 250 sets of tell tails on his Europe sail. It resembled a hedgehog rather than a sail - but the different angles the tell tales took were fascinating - perhaps that's why he was so fast - we were more interested in his sail than our own!