Breathable Bags
Foils packed away in a non-breathable foil bag will sweat rather than dry out, causing Osmosis. Ideally, you should dry off your foils before packing them away. Again salt water is a hindrance as it attracts moisture so a quick wash helps to remove the salt and gives it a chance to dry out. Look for foil bags that breathe.
What to Look For
Open cell foams with a breathable membrane is the safest option for both Spars and Foils. Spars and foils dry out naturally if they are packed damp which prevents dissimilar metal corrosion and osmosis. In my experience, many manufacturers are keen to save money on material cost which ends up costing you more in replacement spars and repairs to foils.
Padded Spar Bag 3650mm by 165mm (Laser Top Mast, Aero Top Mast and 9 Lower Mast, Lightening Upper and Lower mast)
Padded Spar Bag 2950mm by 165mm (Laser Boom and Standard Lower Master, Topper Upper, Lower Mast and Boom, Aero 7 Lower Mast, Aero Boom, Optimist Lower Mast and Lightening Boom)
Padded Spar Bag 2350mm by 165mm (Aero 5 Lower Mast, a Laser Radial Lower Mast and 4.7 Lower Mast, Optimist Sprit and Boom)
Optimist Foil Bag
Foil Bag for the Laser - also fits the Europe
4000 Rudder Bag
4000 Daggerboard BagSolo Rudder Bag
Solo Mast BagEurope Travel Mast Bag
Europe Boom Bag