My performance at the events was unfortunately pretty average and was no way near good enough to challenge for the Olympic spot. I was disappointed but happy to have seen my campaign through to the end. Ali Young was selected in the Radial to represent the British Olympic Team after an impressive string of performances which included a Gold medal at the recent Sail for Gold Regatta in Weymouth. I wish Ali the very best of luck in her Olympic debut!
I have now decided to hang up my hikers and retire from Radial sailing. The last 8 years have been an incredible experience. I have pushed myself further physically and mentally than I ever thought possible and have been lucky enough to travel the World and have made so many amazing friends along the way.
Since making the decision to retire, I have been exploring possibilities for my future. My priority for the moment is to get some cash coming in so I am still looking for coaching work. I have some coaching coming up which I am looking forward to doing to gain further experience. My Laser equipment has been selling really well but I do still have a complete boat and a few bits and pieces left which are advertised on the UKLA website.
Another possibility I have already started to explore is the new Women's Skiff the 49er